Medical Malpractice

When seeking medical attention, we entrust our well-being to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers. However, when these professionals fail to uphold their duty of care, the consequences can be devastating. Routine procedures may result in paralysis or even death, a healthy childbirth can lead to serious injuries, and a simple medication error can have life-threatening consequences.

While some negative outcomes in medical settings are unavoidable due to the nature of illnesses and injuries, medical malpractice occurs when negligence leads to substandard care. This negligence can result in short-term harm or lifelong disability, and in severe cases, it can be fatal.

Legal Support for Medical Errors in California

At Greene & Maloney PC., we offer legal assistance for a wide range of medical malpractice cases in California. Examples of negligent behavior include:

  • Failure to diagnose a condition
  • Surgical errors
  • Birth injuries
  • Incorrectly prescribed medication

To establish a case of medical malpractice, it’s necessary to demonstrate that a healthcare professional’s negligence directly caused injury or death.

Holding Medical Practitioners Accountable

Physicians take an oath to do no harm. If you or a loved one has been harmed due to medical negligence or incompetence, you have the right to seek justice. Contact Greene & Maloney PC. today for a free consultation. You may be entitled to compensation for your suffering.

Contact Greene & Maloney PC. at 916-442-6400 for a free consultation.