Slip and falls

Property owners have a responsibility to keep their premises reasonably safe. When they fail to adhere to this responsibility, accidents happen, and people get hurt. The consequences of a slip and fall accident can have devastating effects on the injured party, so it’s only fair that the home or business owner faces repercussions for the conditions of their property.

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident our team at Greene & Maloney PC. can help. Discuss your case with us at 916-442-6400 today.

Determining If You Have a Slip & Fall Case

When you trip or slip, and fall in public, you might be embarrassed or attribute the spill to your own “clumsiness.” If your slip and fall accident is severe, however, you were likely not the cause of your own accident. You should never feel embarrassed when someone else is responsible for dangerous conditions. In fact, these conditions, and how the property owner handled them, are the basis for any premises liability lawsuit you choose to file.

To test the strength of your case, examine the following questions:

  • Was the floor uneven or wet?
  • Was poor lighting or limited visibility a factor in your accident?
  • Could the hazard or obstacle be removed?
  • Had the dangerous spot been present long enough that owners should have noticed?
  • Were you warned about hazardous conditions on the premises?
  • Was there a legitimate reason for the dangerous object to be where it was?
  • Was the hazard addressed in a timely matter?
  • Was the property properly maintained?

Property Owner Liability in Slip & Fall Accidents

Property owners have a duty to fix or prevent hazardous conditions on their premises. If they notice a dangerous condition and fail to remove it or warn visitors, they are neglecting their duty and can be held liable for any accidents or injuries caused by those conditions.

The following are common causes of slip and fall accidents:

  • Broken stairways and steps
  • Slippery floors and uneven surfaces
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Lack of warning signs
  • Negligent or inadequate security

Why Your Own Behavior May Be Examined

To contest your lawsuit, opposing counsel may try to blame the accident on you, or “split” liability. That’s why it’s important for you to emphasize the legitimacy of your behavior.

If you were trespassing or texting, for example, the defense may try to blame the accident on you, even if you had a valid reason to be where you were or possessed a reasonable expectation of safety.

When you retain our services, we will help you present your behavior in a positive light and prove the negligence of property owner, or defendant. Both of these actions are instrumental to winning your case.

Find Out What Greene & Maloney PC. Can Do for You Today

At our firm, we put our clients first. We consider ourselves real people, getting real results for real injuries. That’s just one reason we offer free consultations to new and prospective clients.

Before we take on your lawsuit, we want to understand your goals and make sure you have a reasonable chance of achieving them. We will not collect any compensation if you do not win your case – that’s how confident we are in our abilities, and how dedicated we are to helping you.